Thursday, August 28, 2008

More costs for the Private Investigator

At Florida Private Investigator Services, we feel that the best way to achieve success for our clients is to not only have the experience, training, background and common sense to succeed, but also the technology. In these days of high tech surveillance technology as well as high tech counter abilities, it only makes sense to use the best tools to have the greatest chance of a successful resolution. The days of running around with a high magnification camera and tailing people are far from over, it is just that people are getting smarter. Take for instance a cheating spouse that has been arguing over his or her fidelity. They will be likely be watching for a tail or some other sign that they are being watched or followed. Now with GPS trackers that can be monitored from miles away on a lap top computer as well as many other advanced tools, the problem can be resolved when looking for a way to get the proof that a client may want. Of course, this all comes at a cost. To get the best trackers for the job an investigator can easily spend over $ 1,000. That doesn't include the cost of the monthly monitoring fees as well as the fees for a laptop computer with an air card to follow a possible cheater from miles or even states away. Again, just one tool and once heavy cost. Of course, the chance of success increases dramatically when a tool like this is used and can even save a client money in the long run.

Until next time...